Initially, Triberr was built to enable bloggers who use Twitter to group up with one another and share each other’s content across their respective Twitter audiences.
But imagine for a second, if Triberr enabled bloggers to connect their email lists and enable cross-promotion that way. It wouldn’t have worked. Why?
Email lists are closely guarded, highly sensitive, and fiercely protected.
In all my years of blogging, I have never even considered sharing my email list with someone else. Twitter, on the other hand, is a different story.
Trust and Intimacy
Twitter is a low trust network.
This is not a knock against Twitter, far from it. It’s what enabled Twitter to proliferate in the first place.
The social contract we “sign” when we use Twitter is simple. I trust that if I follow you, you will share something of some small value with me. That’s it. That’s where it ends.
Therefore, we can say that Twitter’s trust model is unidirectional.
Just because I trust you, it doesn’t mean you trust me, so you may -or may not- follow me back. Those that do, often do it out of reciprocity, rather than trust.
Let’s contrast Twitter’s trust model to Facebook’s trust model.
Facebook uses a bidirectional trust model. I can ask you to be my friend all day long, but it’s not going to happen until you accept my friend request. Only then, we can see each other’s wall, photos, etc.
Thus, Facebook requires a deeper trust between two people.
Would I share other blogger’s posts on Facebook? You bet. But I am way more selective than I am on Twitter. And there are several reasons for this.
I share more –lots more- on Twitter due to the fleeting nature of the twitter stream. Facebook wall moves lot slower, so naturally I share less. Otherwise my friends would disown me.
We can safely assume that sharing that happens on Facebook will be different from sharing that happens on Twitter. So creating a tribe where the mutually agreed upon terms are to share via Facebook will result in a completely different tribe make up when compared to your Twitter tribe.
Your Facebook tribe will probably be smaller, and the trust (or maybe we should call it intimacy, instead of trust?) between the members of the tribe will be lot deeper when compared to a typical Twitter based tribe.
This logic can be extended to other destination networks as well.
While LinkedIn’s trust model is identical to Facebook (bidirectional), the culture of LinkedIn is lot more clear.
Most people use it as a shrine to their professional achievements. There is no room for cat pictures on LinkedIn. And providing industry-specific, serious content, is the norm.
With that in mind, our tribal strategy comes into focus.
LinkedIn is typically used to keep up with your professional connections, so building a LinkedIn tribe on Triberr will result in a tribe that is industry-specific.
Trust between tribemates becomes even more important, and the quality of content, relevance, and professional delivery (no F bombs, for example) becomes supreme.
How Schedulability Affects Sharing
Ya, I’m pretty sure I made up that word. Schedulability
But anyways…
Because of the way people consume content on social networks will be specific to that social network, the frequency with which you post to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. should be different as well.
Posting on Twitter 50 times per day is perfectly acceptable as long as the tweets are properly spaced out. However, posting 50 times on Facebook or LinkedIn would probably get you banned.
Triberr will stagger your activity and post to Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn in whatever interval you specify.
However, with some networks the sharing is 100% manual. Posts sent to these destination networks (SU, G+, Pinterest, etc.) can NOT be cued, staggered, and scheduled via Triberr.
Taking this into consideration, building a Pinterest tribe (for example) requires the following, mutually agreed upon terms.
- Each post must contain an image, otherwise, there’s nothing to pin.
- Pinterest can’t be scheduled, so a deeper level of commitment is needed to sit there and pin each post.
Also, while Pinterest usage allows us to pin 50 things in a row, and no one would care because no one sits there and looks at our Pinterest “stream” (there is no such thing), doing that on G+ would be unacceptable.
So, creating a G+ tribe would require an agreement amongst the tribe members to log in several times per day to their Tribal Stream and post 1, maybe 2 post to G+ each time they log in.
Peculiar Porcupine
As you can see, each destination network has its own peculiarities, which need to be understood and handled appropriately.
The Chief’s job is to consider these peculiarities and build a team that can work well together.
We at Triberr plan on making these strategies more obvious and built into the tribe creation and management process, but nothing can replace little bit of education. And I hope this post helped a little.
Final Word
Is yours.
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